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Find a Cooperative Apartment in Zürich


The Gnossi Wohnig App


Get one of over

24,000 affordable apartments and houses

from cooperatives! None of these can be found on Homegate!



Push Notification

when one of the coveted apartments or houses is advertised. So you never miss an opportunity!


Track construction projects and secure

good chances for an apartment/house.

Be one of the first applicants!

Now Available on Play and App Store!

App StorePlay Store

Are you looking for a cooperative apartment in Zurich?

Cooperatives rent out housing at cost price! We help you to find a cooperative apartment or house by compiling the available rental properties here. We do not publish the apartments and houses that you can find yourself on Homegate! But the ones

over 24'000 apartments and houses from cooperatives,

for which the advertisements can otherwise only be found on the cooperative's own website.

You have to be quick with some cooperatives! The registration window sometimes closes after just 15 minutes!

Only a few minutes

after apartments or houses have been listed on the cooperative's website, they appear here and in the Gnossi Wohnig app incl. push message!

Our service:


Immediate notification in the app when we have discovered an apartment for you


Overview of currently available apartments


Information on construction projects incl. move-in date


Immediate notification in the app when the application for apartments in construction projects opens


Overview of cooperatives in Zurich including information on how to apply and where to find their advertisements for vacant apartments


... and all this for only CHF 9.90 per month, cancelable at any time!


TecFox GmbH

Sperletweg 56

8052 Zürich


© 2022 TecFox GmbH